We provide comprehensive neuropsychological testing to answer the questions that matter the most.

The Importance of Testing

Our neuropsychological evaluations are designed for individuals age 6 and up and are best suited for individuals who have experienced, or are currently experiencing, impairment in academic, social, or work settings. Although some disorders such as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be diagnosed without formal testing, a thorough evaluation that includes assessments designed to rule in and rule out potential disorders can help avoid the false positives (receiving a diagnosis when you do not actually meet criteria) and false negatives (not receiving a diagnosis when you actually meet criteria) that often result from non-comprehensive evaluations.

Both false positives and false negatives can be severely detrimental. You may, for example, be prescribed medication for a disorder you do not actually have, or you may miss out on critical accommodations that you deserve.

Areas We Assess

To obtain the most accurate understanding of your functioning, our comprehensive evaluations are intentionally broad and include assessments related to the following:

• academic achievement

• adaptive behaviors

• attention

• executive functioning 

• expressive and receptive language

• intellectual abilities

• memory

• physical and mental health

• personality

• visual-spatial/visual-perceptual skills

The results of these assessments will be integrated with information obtained from the clinical interview, rating scales completed by teachers, parents, and or other caregivers, and behavioral observations to provide a thorough overview of strengths, growth areas, and potential diagnoses. All of this information will be summarized in a written report and will highlight possible treatment options and relevant accommodations.

How It Works
The entire process can be broken down into four parts consisting of the following:

• After scheduling your appointment, I will send paperwork for you to complete based on your reasons for seeking testing, which will be completed prior to our first meeting.

• After submitting your paperwork, we’ll meet for a clinical interview where we’ll discuss a variety of issues related to your present concerns. *This meeting can be over the phone, on Zoom, or in-person. Please choose the option that is most comfortable for you.*

• Our second meeting will be our testing session, which typically lasts a minimum of three hours. Breaks will be available as needed. *Due to the nature of the assessments, this session must be in-person.*

• Lastly, we will meet to discuss your testing results and review recommendations. You will receive a written report detailing this information. *This meeting can be over the phone, on Zoom, or in-person. Please choose the option that is most comfortable for you.*